Marketo announced new products at its company’s annual conference, Marketo Nation Summit, in San Francisco this week. The products, Marketo Sky, Marketo Sales Engage and Marketo Performance Insights, will be integrated into the Marketo Engagement Platform.
“B2B marketers need a real-time platform, and [these solutions] are giving that to them,” said Manoj Goyal, CTO of Marketo, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “With our beta, we’re allowing our customers to self-service themselves. We do this because we’re confident in delivering a product to our customers that gives them results.”
Marketo Sky, an experience platform, is designed to help marketers improve campaign planning. The platform aims to provide marketers with better workflows, updated user interface, personalized screens and collaboration tools that will improve marketing efficiency. A beta release of Marketo Sky is expected by the end of May 2018.
Marketo Sales Engage is a sales engagement software that aims to connect marketing and sales teams to create coordinated marketing campaigns. Built from the company’s acquisition of ToutApp last year, it is designed to visualize engagement across the buyer journey and link lead insights with sales playbooks and analytics.
“We’ve folded ToutApp into Marketo Sales Engage,” said Goyal. “Marketing and sales can now truly understand their actions and work together off the same data.”
The company has also launched Marketo Performance Insights (MPI) Analytics. The new tool is designed to give marketers a holistic view of campaign engagement, performance and revenue impact.
“MPI is a follow on to our Email Insights tool,” said Goyal. “We knew that we needed a better visualization tool, and now we’re positioned to provide dashboards in near-real-time so [our customers] can get analysis across channels and marketing spend.”
The new product details comes shortly after Marketo announced its acquisition of the marketing attribution platform Bizible, as well as its deepened partnership with Google Cloud. Goyal noted during the interview that customer input on their usage of Bizible was a clear positive as to why the company decided to bring Bizible into the Marketo engagement platform.
“Acquiring Bizible will help our users plan, engage and measure better,” said Goyal. “They can now get a complete picture of how their marketing spend is working.”
He added that, from a technology perspective, Marketo’s goal is “to double down on having Bizible widely adopted throughout the customer ecosystem.”