Webinar: The Role Of Data In Developing Lead Nurturing Content

Published: January 23, 2014

B2B marketers need to deliver content that resonates with prospects at every stage of the buying cycle, but it is particularly important during the nurturing process.

In a recent webinar, titled Have Enough of the Right Content to Optimize Lead Nurturing Results, representatives from Avitage and Televerde outlined the types of content that work best for lead nurturing campaigns. They also discussed ways to use customer data to tailor lead nurturing content to improve its effectiveness.

“One of the critical features about lead nurturing is that it is a non-linear process,” said April Brown, VP of Demand Generation Services at Televerde. “Even though you may see workflows that look very linear, it does not reflect the reality or the complexity of the content consumption process that your prospects actually go through. The only way to see that is through a data-driven approach.”

In a poll conducted during the event, 75% of the audience stated that their company creates most of its content. Also, close to 60% of the audience create between two and three versions of their content based on target audience, while 43% have three different versions of their content to match the various stages of the lead nurturing cycle.

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“With data analytics, you can start to analyze the data on your buyers and customers in order to start getting better visibility into why they act the way did,” said Jim Burns, CEO of Avitage. “That helps decide the campaigns you want to run, the content you want to create and the messages you want to put out there.”

Other poll results showed that one-third (33.3%) of the audience stated they perform between one and three tracks during their current nurture programs, while an equal number of the audience perform between four and 10 tracks. Close to 30% perform point campaigns for their nurture programs, and a little over 5% perform more than 10 tracks during a single nurture campaign.

To view an on-demand version of the webinar, click here.

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