Despite substantial investments in expanding their content library to engage buyers, research from SiriusDecisions shows messaging is still missing the mark with audiences and internal sales teams.
The challenges around creating audience-centric content and getting sales teams to successfully utilize that content will be addressed in two of sessions during the B2B Marketing Exchange, taking place next week (February 19-21) in Scottsdale, AZ. Analysts from SiriusDecisions, Phyllis Davidson and Rachel Young, will be kicking off our Content2Conversion and Sales Impact Summit tracks (respectively), at the event, and Demand Gen Report caught up with the two thought leaders to get a preview of their sessions.
Davidson, the Research Director for Content Strategy and Operations at SiriusDecisions, will share benchmark data on how organizations are faring in their efforts to successfully manage and deliver audience-focused content. Young, the firm’s Senior Research Director of Portfolio Marketing, will delve into models and best practices to help marketing and sales create sales messaging and content that engages buyers wherever they are in their purchase decision process.
Here’s an advanced look into some of the findings they will present:
Demand Gen Report: What new realities are B2B marketers facing, and how have you noticed it impact your specific area of focus?
Phyllis Davidson: To capture buyers’ attention and drive growth, B2B organizations are shifting from product-centric to audience-centric go-to-market strategies that better meet buyer needs. When it comes to delivering audience-centric marketing, the rubber meets the road, so to speak, when it comes to the content that supports those strategies and programs.
Rachel Young: There is a real disconnect between marketing and sales. Sixty-five percent of sales content created by marketing is never used by sales. A top business challenge for sales is the inability to connect offerings to buyer needs and challenges. This disconnect can be remedied through marketing’s increased focus on sales enablement.
DGR: What advice would you give marketers who are just beginning to look at making their content more audience-centric and impactful for their sales teams?
Davidson: Though organizations recognize that content is a keystone in the shift to audience centricity, they still struggle to gain clarity on buyer needs and behaviors. Content marketers must not only construct the content, but also must work cross-functionally to facilitate the strategic inputs needed to fuel it.
Young: The common ground for sales and marketing is winning over buyers. Marketers must take a buyer-centric sales enablement approach.
DGR: What real actionable takeaways can attendees expect from your sessions at B2BMX?
Davidson: We will share new data that highlights the actions CMOs and their content teams are taking as they work to deliver the right content. For example, while B2B marketers strive to map all content to audience and buyer journeys, less than 10% are achieving this. We will share key areas for focus in supporting the shift, along with examples of audience-centric content programs.
Young: Five steps to taking a buyer-centric sales enablement approach. Learn best practices for helping sales reps to engage with buyers wherever they are in the purchase decision process.
DGR: What are you looking forward to the most about the event?
Davidson: B2BMX always promises great networking and sessions. I’m also looking forward to hearing about how organizations are evolving their content programs. And, I’m especially looking forward to the annual Killer Content Awards!
Young: I’m looking forward to meeting fellow marketers, hearing their stories, sharing best practices and networking.