Scratchpad, Inc. is a revenue team workspace that specializes in managing sales teams’ daily tasks. The company announced the availability of the first inbox and deal alert system built for salespeople to cut through the clutter of notifications, often sent through Slack or email, disrupting their day-to-day workflows. The Inbox and Deal Alert System combines sales notes, spreadsheets, tasks managers, chat, notifications, deal collaboration, pipeline management, Kanban boards, search and sales process compliance in a single experience.
Back-Of-The-Box Details
Customers can sign up to use Scratchpad in less than thirty seconds via Chrome plugin or as a web app. Scratchpad will then connect to Salesforce and give salespeople access and updates to the site and the ability to manage their day-to-day sales workflow.
Who It’s For
Sales reps have one place to get actionable alerts about their deals, take sales notes, manage their pipelines and update the next steps that fit naturally into their workflows and are connected to Salesforce.
What It Solves
Sales Leaders can benefit from one collaborative workspace for asynchronous conversations with their reps. Revenue Operations can configure triggers to help reps celebrate won deals, create zero boards for opportunities missing next steps or ghost opportunities missing amounts.
What Makes It Special
Sales teams are no longer distracted by reminders nagging them to switch between tabs and tools. Revenue Operations and sales leaders can feel at ease knowing Salesforce is up to date and their forecasts are accurate.