Demandbase Unveils New AI-Powered, Intent-Driven Ad Targeting Solution

Published: September 7, 2018

Demandbase launched its new targeting solution designed to use AI and intent data to more accurately target and engage buying committees within target accounts with their advertising.

The company’s new Targeting Solution, which is part of the Demandbase ABM Platform, aims to provide transparency on media cost, publisher performance and business results across the users’ sales funnel. The AI-powered solution is designed to process over 150 billion intent signals each month to target the right buyers while optimizing cost and performance.

The new solution aims to help B2B marketers and advertisers:

  • Use firmographic and intent data to build and manage account-based audiences;
  • Launch advertising campaigns that can reach accounts and their key buyers with personalized messaging;
  • Measure advertising impact — as well as engagement, conversions and opportunities — at the account level;
  • Export audiences to data management platforms;
  • Compare the performance of multiple advertising channels based on key ABM metrics; and
  • Identify keywords relevant to target audiences and ultimately improve SEO.

“This really is the next generation of B2B advertising,” said Peter Isaacson, CMO of Demandbase, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “We can now harness the power of AI to precisely identify the actual buying committee within a target account — something that is the holy grail for B2B companies. And to be able to deliver ads to hundreds, even thousands, of target accounts means that B2B marketers no longer need to make a tradeoff between precision and scale with their ad dollars.”

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