StreamSend Adds ScreenPopper Functionality To Lead Gen Offerings

Published: January 11, 2016

streamsend imageEmail marketing service provider StreamSend unveiled its new ScreenPopper offering, which positions marketers to create customized popup ads designed to drive new leads into the funnel with personalized content.

The tool is designed to enable users to track how prospects engage with their website. The solution aims to help marketers analyze individual ad performance, download new contact information, change ad visibility and modify pop-up content.

Other features include:

  • Managing campaigns from one central dashboard;
  • Tracking campaign performance with insight such as impressions, clicks, closes and submits;
  • Designing mobile responsive templates; and
  • Conducting A/B testing.

“ScreenPopper lets StreamSend clients now deliver an instant call-to-action to visitors of their customers’ web sites, which can then send triggered emails and other messages to make sure people read a particular white paper or see a particular offer,” said Dan Forootan, President of StreamSend Email Marketing.

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