Episode#11: Tom Pisello, Founder, Alinean

Published: May 20, 2011

DemandGen Report Editor Andrew Gaffney caught up with Tom Pisello, Founder of Alinean and Author of the ROI Guy Blog at the SiriusDecisions Summit May 4-6, 2011 in San Francisco, which drew a crowd of more than 1,000 sales and marketing professionals. Pisello shared some of the key takeaways from the Summit, including the increased focus on sales enablement solutions and strategies.

Noting the critical need for BtoB marketing and sales team to nurture the problem of “frugalnomics,” or more empowered, skeptical buyers, Pisello shared details about Alinean’s interactive tools designed to move buyers through the buying cycle. To speak to the new breed of BtoB buyers, Alinean offers interactive white papers, diagnostic assessment tools and ROI benefit calculators to help organizations deliver relevant, engagement offers throughout the buying cycle.

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