When Canvas, a mobile app services company, faced poor webinar registration and attendance rates, it turned to Sigstr, an email signature generator to help revamp its messaging.
The Challenge
While Canvas has hosted educational webinars in the past, the company didn’t invest a lot of time into the content. “It was just becoming routine and people weren’t showing up to them as much,” said Keith Bateman, Digital Marketing Specialist at Canvas, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “We were getting three to four registrations and only one or two people would show up. We kind of lost our own interest and investment in them. People weren’t showing up because they knew the content wasn’t there anymore, so we decided to stop investing any time in them and come up with a new strategy.”
The Solution
With help from the Canvas customer success team, Bateman and his team decided to create quarterly webinars to help educate its existing client base and prospective clients about the company’s newest offerings and capabilities.
Instead of marketing and promoting the webinar the week of, the teams developed a complete marketing plan around their needs and began an email campaign two to three weeks out. “A big part of it was implementing Sigstr, which allows us to use the signature space on our emails and advertise in them with attractive banners,” said Bateman. “Our customer success team would then put the banners in emails to let everyone they’ve been interacting with know there was stuff they may have missed and that the webinar was happening.”
Canvas later began implementing different Sigstr banners for various occasions and topics. Bateman would create the banners for different departments, including account managers, customer success groups and marketing groups. He also changes them every couple of weeks. “Each department has a different message they’re pushing to prospective clients,” he said.
The Result
For the company’s first webinar after implementing Sigstr, one email from the customer success team received more than 70 registrations and a 4.01% click-through rate to registration.
“All together we got over 154 registrations and an attendance rate of 63%,” said Bateman. “It was incredible. It was the biggest webinar we’ve done times 50. That signature got over 102 clicks in just seven days. It just shows you that if you put the right content with the right marketing and put it in front of the right people, you can succeed in this no matter how small the company is.”