Return Path Acquires Email Copilot To Track Email Marketing Performance

Published: November 30, 2016

emailcopilot preflight2Return Path, an email data solutions provider, has acquired Email Copilot, a company that tracks and analyzes email deliverability data. Terms of the acquisition were undisclosed.

Email Copilot’s dashboard will be integrated into Return Path’s Email Optimization solutions to provide users with data and technology to view email marketing performance, according to the company. The dashboard provides pre-send data to notify users of deliverability issues before they occur, as well as post-send monitoring and alerts to show deliverability results.

“With this new technology, our clients and partners will be able to connect disparate data sources to understand when deliverability problems occur, what’s causing those problems, and how to fix them all in real time,” said Matt Blumberg, CEO of Return Path, in a statement.

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