Study: Email Marketing Budgets Will Increase During 2013

Published: December 11, 2012

Most businesses will increase their email marketing investments during 2013, and a majority also plan to integrate email with their social media and mobile marketing, according to a study released this week by StrongMail.

The email marketing solution provider surveyed 1,000 business executives during November, 2012. About 56% of the respondents said they plan to increase their email marketing budgets, making email the leading source of marketing investment for 2013.

In addition, 65% said they plan to integrate email marketing with social media, and 52% said they will increase their social media marketing budgets during the next 12 months. Facebook was cited as the most valuable social media channel by 60% of the respondents, followed by Twitter and YouTube.

Based on the survey data, some companies plan to increase email marketing budgets even as their overall marketing budgets remain steady. About 45% of businesses plan to increase their marketing budgets, while 44% plan to maintain their current spend.

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Mobile is another major focus for marketing investment, according to the study. Nearly two-thirds of companies said they will spend more in 2013 on mobile marketing programs, and 52% plan to integrate their email and mobile activities.

Key challenges for 2013 identified by survey respondents included data integration issues (cited by 46% as their primary challenge), staffing and resource issues (40%), cross-channel integration (36%) and content management (34%).

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