LeadsRx Privacy Studio™ from LeadsRx, a multi-touch marketing attribution software, is designed to establish a Data Clean Room (DCR) that houses and makes the anonymous and first-party data needed to drive analytic software available. The architecture allows IT teams to fully control data governance according to corporate policy while also enabling full analytic access through SaaS applications. According to the company, DCRs are necessary given consumers’ privacy demands and for businesses to be compliant with GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA and other security and privacy regulations.
Back-Of-The-Box Details
The LeadsRx solution aims to separate data otherwise stored within a vendor platform into an independent DCR, controlled and administered by the enterprise IT team. Data in the DCR is collected by the LeadsRx Isolation Pixel™, a first party-branded and hosted web tag, placed on the enterprise’s website. At rest, data can be encrypted, stored, secured, enriched and controlled by IT according to corporate data policy and is not co-mingled with other data in a typical SaaS multi-tenanted database.
Who It’s For
LeadsRx Privacy Studio™ is available to IT teams, Chief Privacy Officers, CIOs and data privacy and compliance officers and directors.
What Makes It Special
LeadsRx Isolation Pixel™ has two components that work together to collect anonymous and first-party data, which is then stored in an enterprise’s own DCR.
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