Avery Dennison, a global packaging and label provider, implemented Act-On Software to automate the flow of leads as they pass through the sales funnel.
Prior to implementing a marketing automation solution, Avery Dennison had no clear strategy for engaging prospective buyers once they were driven into the company’s sales funnel. Neiman’s team understood that they needed a more targeted, intelligent way to engage with these leads, but company leadership assumed they were already doing so.
“They didn’t feel there was a need to improve the campaign process,” said Rick Neiman, Global Director of Digital Marketing at Avery Dennison, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “Biggest challenge was getting sales to follow up. We were able to prove validity of leads by initially assigning them to marketing for direct follow up.”
One of the most prominent issues Neiman’s team noticed was that without a marketing automation platform, the company was underutilizing its CRM — it was little more than a contact database. The company hoped that a marketing automation platform would help identify key players in specific accounts that would highlight the best opportunities.
“Our No. 1 priority was [to alleviate] our inability to uncover new opportunities,” said Neiman. “There were a lot of buying influences at the user level that we did not have contact with. We really had to connect with the folks on the floor in order to sell better.”
The company signed up with Act-On Software and has been with the marketing automation provider since 2010. Neiman’s team started to establish campaigns, incorporating the sales team into the process to help define what makes a qualified lead.
“The idea was to not get sales involved early on [with new leads], and ultimately qualify them and engage the sales rep when the leads are ready,” said Neiman. “This ended up being really successful.”
Avery Dennison currently has five campaigns running. Basing the campaigns around the model formulated by the marketing and sales team enables the company to streamline the nurture process and pass along leads that are ready to buy.
“Through the partnership, we grew our model beyond a finite outbound campaign to include inbound campaigns via gated content,” said Neiman. “Now we can market to influencers [in accounts] we never had access to before.”
Avery Dennison saw a 505% increase in campaign ROI in Q3 2015, compared to the 485% it saw in Q2 2015. In one campaign in particular, Avery Dennison closed 73% of the opportunities created by Neiman’s team, contributing roughly $200,000 in revenue.
Ultimately, the company saw a 200% increase in closed/won business in Q3 compared to the prior quarter.
“As we continue to evolve, so does Act-On,” said Neiman. “First, we needed more sophisticated nurturing capabilities, then went outbound to inbound, and now we have a sample roll program where we send samples to our customers.”
The sample roll program enables potential customers to view samples of Avery Dennison’s vinyl graphics and films prior to making a purchase. The follow-up process for the program is automated through an integration between Act-On and Salesforce. Neiman highlighted a 40% conversion rate on those opportunities that received sample rolls. “This is three times the average size of the company’s conversion rates,” he concluded.