Aprimo Integrates Mobile Module To Empower Digital Marketers Via SMS

Published: July 17, 2011

Although BtoC companies have been deemed the leaders of SMS strategy, Lisa Arthur, CMO of Aprimo told DemandGen Report that BtoB will soon follow in implementation to aid in customer education and improve loyalty. Aprimo’s current consumer base is 60% BtoC and 40% BtoB.

“Mobile marketing is vastly becoming a critical mix for all marketers whether it’s BtoB or BtoC,” said Lisa Arthur, CMO, Aprimo. “One of the things we see with this launch is it revolves around engagement and integration. On the engagement front, being able to launch a mobile campaign gives all marketers one more channel to be able to talk to their customers and their buying prospects in a way that their buyers want to be talked to. Everybody thinks BtoC is the leader, but we think BtoB will be fast to follow. Every BtoB marketer out there is looking at how to engage the ecosystem in a way that will make them more relevant and the revenue that they need to.”

The new AMS On Demand Mobile Marketing is designed to offer added features, including the ability to run standalone mobile campaigns or integrated multi-channel digital campaigns that incorporate SMS; segment customers and deliver triggered dialogs based on SMS content history and/or behavior; and manage keywords and short codes to develop interactive marketing to customers and prospects.

The solution’s SMS messaging capabilities are designed to integrate with the AMS On Demand platform, which allows a smooth coordination of SMS text messaging with other digital marketing efforts, including campaign management tools and audience data, to help develop an effective and comprehensive integrated marketing management (IMM) strategy.

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Aprimo’s Mobile Marketing module also is designed to allow BtoB marketers to be more creative in the engagement process and gives consumers the option to select and control how they want to be communicated to.

“By having the solution integrated and using all of the tools marketers are used to, like segmentation and dialogue, we’re able to get those SMS campaigns created quickly and be able to track and measure campaigns, and measure it against other channels,” Arthur said.

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