Latest In: Predictive Marketing

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ZoomInfo Launches Intent Data Solution

ZoomInfo Launches Intent Data Solution

ZoomInfo, a go-to-market solutions brand, has unveiled ZoomInfo Intent, a machine learning program designed to identify customers and…

Industry News April 9
CMO customer experience Demanding Views identity management tools
The High-Tech CMO's Marketing Imperatives For 2020

The High-Tech CMO’s Marketing Imperatives For 2020

Everyone is talking about the importance of customer experience across the marketing landscape, and CMOs in the high-tech…

Demanding Views April 3
AI artificial intelligence atrium CRM data forecasting intelligent forecasting machine-learning Predictive Analytics sales forecasting salesforce
How AI And Machine Learning Can Make Forecasting Intelligent

How AI And Machine Learning Can Make Forecasting Intelligent

Traditionally, CRM solutions have been unreliable for sales forecasting. Companies have dealt with inaccuracies and blamed their bad…

Demanding Views January 2
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East
Campaign Optimization Series
Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series
Strategy & Planning Series