Intercom, a customer messaging platform, has launched a new bot designed to help answer and resolve customers’ most common questions. Answer Bot uses a combination of Intercom’s conversation data, machine learning and natural language processing to identify and group FAQs and respond to queries in a timely manner.
Answer Bot also offers reporting features that aim to help users see how many questions the bot is successfully handling, and which answers perform the best. The company found that, on average, Answer Bot is positioned to resolve 29% of customer FAQs and improve customer response time by 44%.
“Answer Bot speaks directly to our vision for the future — a world where messengers, bots and apps can provide radical efficiencies for your business,” wrote Brian Donohue, Intercom’s Director of Product Management, in a blog post announcement. “We believe that automation in the form of bots will make messaging as transformative as communication technologies like phones, email and websites.”
Answer Bot joins a growing list of chat offerings available from Intercom, including Video Bots, Custom Bots and Messenger.