What’s Working In Marketing Measurement? Less Messy Data, More Marketing & Sales Alignment

Marketing teams face increased pressure to measure the impact of their initiatives and prove their organizational value. According to the “2022 Marketing Measurement & Attribution Survey,” two thirds of B2B marketing executives (66%) said marketing measurement and reporting is a growing priority within their organization but additional findings show current measurement initiatives are significantly lagging.

While marketers are making some strides in areas like attribution analysis and gathering deeper engagement metrics to power their ABM programs, many still struggle to connect siloed data and track activity across the entire buyer’s journey. Looking toward the future, it is encouraging to see that many marketers are interested in moving beyond vanity metrics to more advanced insights that analyze engagement and business impact.

This special report will analyze the current state of marketing measurement and attribution programs, including:

  • How the metrics used to measure marketing’s success compare amongst sales and marketing divisions;
  • Major challenges — such as messy, siloed data — that are preventing B2B organizations from accurately measuring marketing’s impact;
  • How ABM is driving the need for deeper analytics; and
  • Marketers’ goals for better measurement and attribution this year.

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